How to End Procrastination

How to End Procrastination

Lets face it, we have all been at a procrastination station at some point so I don’t need to explain the frustration of being there. Today we are going to cover The Hustle Hub top tips to bypass procrastination station and continue on the train to achievement. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one!

Let's start out with an easy one. Remove all distractions. I could not emphasize this one more. When you are working, find a place at home that is quiet and away from other people (if possible) and set yourself a time to stay there. While you are in this space, ensure that your phone is in another room (unless you need it for work purposes of course) and if you need to keep it with you, you can set it to ‘do not disturb’. This way, you are not distracted whenever you get a notification but it is with you whenever you may need it. Anything else that can become a distraction for you, either disable the feature while you work if it is on your device so you are not tempted to get distracted or make sure it is out of your work area. This removes your option of being distracted and will keep you on course. 

Make yourself a to-do list daily. By keeping a to-do list everyday, you will never wake up to the day not knowing what to do first or what you need to achieve that day. When you know what you need to work on, you are able to get straight into it and avoid wasting time figuring out what you need to do which quickly becomes procrastinating. It is all about being organised! Top tip: Our ‘Inspire Daily Planner’ is the perfect addition to your daily planning. With tear off pages and room to not only write your to-do list but also your top three goals and achievements for the day, you are guaranteed to be inspired to plan your day effectively and stay on track! You can purchase your ‘Inspire Daily Planner’ here:

Complete the hardest or least enjoyable tasks of the day first. By completing these tasks first, it will prevent encountering procrastination later in the day when you have completed all the ‘more enjoyable’ tasks. As soon as you clock into work hours, smash out the most challenging and least enjoyable tasks. Getting straight into it will prevent the opportunity to procrastinate. Even better, the rest of the day will be enjoyable and procrastination free with all the better tasks ahead! Top tip: prioritise the less enjoyable tasks on your ‘Inspire Daily Planner’ by adding these to the top of the list or within the top three goals of the day. You will feel so good when these tasks get ticked off! 

Plan the week ahead before the current week ends. We always suggest planning our week before the weekend begins. Not only does this mean we get to fully enjoy the weekend without thinking about all the tasks we have to do next week, but it means once Monday rolls around, the week is already planned out ahead of us and we go into the week with a clear vision of what we need to achieve. This prevents procrastination  and creates a more peaceful life by being more organised. Top tip: our ‘Ultimate Weekly Agenda’ is the ideal addition to your Friday afternoons where you can allocate tasks to times and days of the week ahead. Take the stress out of a new week by planning it the week before! Get your ‘Ultimate Weekly Agenda’ here:

Keep a journal and try to spend at least ten minutes a day journaling. Journaling is a highly effective way to clear your mind of emotions or worries. You might find this beneficial to do throughout the day when you are feeling overwhelmed, or at the end of the day to clear your head before you go to bed. By allowing yourself to have a clearer mind, you remove the opportunity to spend endless amounts of time focussing on your emotions which leads to procrastination. Our ‘Dreamcatcher Notebook’ features lined pages free of content allowing you to journal whatever you're thinking and feeling. Get your ‘Dreamcatcher Notebook’ here to start daily journaling and prevent procrastination:

We hope these top tips have been useful in your quest to end procrastination and be more productive! Sign up to The Hustle Hub for frequent helpful blogs in the future!

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